Cottage Selling Tips
1 – First Impressions Last A Lifetime – What a buyer sees when they arrive at your cottage will go a long way in forming their opinion of your property. Clean up the yard of leaves and debris, give the deck a fresh coat of paint and plant some flowers to give an added touch of colour.
2 – Get Rid Of Your Stuff – Buyers want to envision themselves and their things in your cottage. Getting rid of clutter and knickknacks will de-personalize the space and make rooms feel bigger. This helps buyers focus on room size, layout and view, as opposed to being distracted by clutter and mess.
3 – Take Care Of The Fix-It Jobs – All those little jobs that get put off should get taken care of. The leaky faucet, the hole in the screen door, the damaged drywall – taking care of those things will go a very long way. Also make sure all your light bulbs are working.
4 – Price It Right – Pricing your property right is the key to selling. If it’s priced to high, the market will know. Properties that sit and go stale have a hard time selling.