Springify Your Cottage or Home
Sell Sell Sell – Take all that extra stuff and have a garage sale! Clean out cupboards, basement and garage and let other people have a chance to enjoy the things you don’t use anymore – and make some cash!
Give It Away – What doesn’t sell at your garage sale, or if you don’t have the time to have one, give your extra things to a charity like the Goodwill or Salvation Army. Helping those who are less fortunate will help them and help you.
Clean Out The Garage – The garage is the place where things go and never return. Spring is the time to pull out those large items and take them to the dump.
Scrub It Clean – There are some things that aren’t a part of our daily (or weekly) cleaning routine. Spring is the time to clean out all those nooks and crannies. Think about your gutters, dryer vent, under the bed and behind furniture. Don’t forget the cupboard under the kitchen sink!
Organize – Now’s the time to go through those kitchen junk drawers, the desk drawer that will hardly close, even your dresser drawers (if they have mysteriously gotten too full over the past year).
Update Curb Appeal – Nothing says spring like flowers and some colour. After a drab winter, brighten up your home by planting some flowers either in the garden or in pots on the front porch or alongside the driveway.